Introduction to dizziness (feeling dizzy)
Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms that will
prompt a person to seek medical care. The term dizziness (or dizzy) means
different things to different people, so it is difficult to define. Does "feeling dizzy"
mean lightheadedness or the feeling of weakness and almost passing out?
Or does it
refer to the sensation of vertigo, in which a person feels as if they have just
gotten off a merry-go-round?
Dizziness (lightheadedness) is often caused by a decrease in blood supply to the brain,
while vertigo may be caused by disturbances of the inner ear and the balance centers
of the brain. It is important that the health care practitioner understand what
you mean when you complain of dizziness. You may be asked additional questions
so that the proper direction can be taken for a diagnosis and treatment.
What are some common causes of dizziness?
While classifying dizziness into lightheadedness and vertigo categories may help understand
how the body works, sometimes it is worthwhile to review common reasons why
people might complain of dizziness.
Low blood pressure
Dizziness, lightheadedness, and the feeling of passing out is a common
complaint in people who have low blood pressure.
When the blood pressure is too low, not enough oxygen-rich blood
is being delivered to the brain, and its function can be affected. If the
brain's blood supply is decreased too much, the person may pass out (syncope).
In addition to feeling dizzy, associated
symptoms may include:
- sweating,
- nausea and
- shortness of breath, and
- chest pain.
Low blood pressure may be the result of an underlying illness or disease, or
it may be a normal physiologic condition. Some common
reasons for low blood pressure include the following:
- Anemia (decreased red
blood cell count)
- Bleeding
- Dehydration (loss of
water in the body) often occurs with infections that cause
vomiting and
Fever also can cause a significant amount of water loss due to increased
metabolic rate and excessive sweating
as the body tries to cool itself.
- Heat-related illnesses associated with dehydration such as
heat cramps,
heat exhaustion, or
heat stroke (a medical
- Side effects of certain medications used to control blood pressure and heart rate.
Examples include:
- beta blockers
(propranolol [Inderal, Inderal
LA], atenolol [Tenormin],
metoprolol, [Lopressor, Toprol
XL]), which block adrenalin receptors in the heart and may limit the ability of
the heart rate to increase in response to changes of position, decreased red
blood cell count, or dehydration.
- Nitroglycerin
and isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur), a long acting nitroglycerin,
are medications that are prescribed to dilate blood vessels in the heart to
treat angina. However, these medications may also cause other blood vessels
in the body to dilate and be unable to respond to the body's needs.
- Diuretics that can cause dehydration
- ACE inhibitors that slow the heart rate, and
- medications for
erectile dysfunction that can dilate blood vessels.
- beta blockers
(propranolol [Inderal, Inderal
LA], atenolol [Tenormin],
metoprolol, [Lopressor, Toprol
XL]), which block adrenalin receptors in the heart and may limit the ability of
the heart rate to increase in response to changes of position, decreased red
blood cell count, or dehydration.
- Alcohol use
- Pregnancy
Postural or orthostatic hypotension
In individuals who are dehydrated or anemic, blood pressure readings
may be
normal when they are lying flat, however, the lack of fluid is unmasked
when they
stand up quickly. The lack of blood to the brain causes dizziness and
lightheadedness. This feeling may pass in a few seconds as the body
adapts. However, if dehydration or medications (for example, beta
blockers) prevent the body from reacting by constricting blood vessels
increasing the heart rate, the dizziness may persist to the point at
which the
patient passes out (faints, syncope).
Some diseases are associated with an inability to compensate for changes in
body position (autonomic dysfunction). Normally when a person stands, blood
vessels contract to increase blood pressure slightly, and the heart rate
increases to push blood up to the brain (pushing against gravity). In autonomic
dysfunction, a person may become dizzy when they move from a lying position to
sitting or standing up.
Examples of these diseases include
Addison's disease, or
Parkinson's disease).
Orthostatic hypotension is a common symptom with
Shy-Drager syndrome.
Shy-Drager syndrome is a rare disease in which the autonomic nervous system
degenerates and cannot provide the routine control mechanisms for the body
including heart rate, blood pressure, and bowel and bladder function.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is known as the
"silent killer" since
it often has no symptoms, even if blood pressure readings are markedly elevated.
On occasion, a person may complain of headache, nausea, or dizziness, although
the complaints don't necessarily correlate with the degree of blood pressure
However, if the blood pressure is elevated and the person has symptoms, there is
a need to bring the blood pressure under control relatively quickly. The
more severe the symptoms, the quicker blood pressure control needs to be achieved.
For example, if a person is having
chest pain or
stroke symptoms associated
with high blood pressure, the blood pressure needs to be controlled immediately.
Dizziness is a common complaint in persons with
diabetes, and may be caused
by low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), or autonomic dysfunction (see
- Hypoglycemia or
low blood sugar (hypo=low +glyc=sugar =emia=blood) occurs because of an inadequate amount of
glucose in the blood. A person with diabetes can develop hypoglycemia from
an inadequate amount of food intake, or from taking too much medication
(insulin or oral tablets), which results in low blood sugar levels. In this
situation the person experiences dizziness or lightheadedness because the
brain lacks glucose to function properly. Persons with diabetes and their
families need to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia, including
dizziness, sweating, confusion, and
coma as treatment needs to be
given immediately. Oral sugar-containing foods or a
glucagon injection
may be life-saving for the patient.
- Hyperglycemia (hyper=high +glyc=sugar +emia=blood) also causes dizziness. High blood sugar levels occur because there is not enough insulin available to allow cells to use glucose for energy metabolism. (Interestingly, brain cells do not need insulin to use glucose.) High blood sugars cause a variety of metabolic responses in the body leading to dehydration, anaerobic metabolism, and changes in the acid-based balance. This may result in a life-threatening condition referred to as diabetic ketoacidosis.
Endocrine diseases
- Diabetes (discussed previously) if not well controlled is one of the main endocrine diseases that may cause dizziness.
- Thyroid disease: Abnormalities of the thyroid may also cause dizziness as one of its symptoms.
- Hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone) may cause
palpitations, shortness of
breath, lightheadedness, and dizziness.
- Hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone) may cause low blood pressure and a decreased heart rate leading to dizziness, weakness, lethargy, and chills.
- Hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone) may cause
palpitations, shortness of
breath, lightheadedness, and dizziness.
- Addison's disease: Addison's disease occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol to meet the needs of the body. Cortisol is a naturally occurring steroid produced by the body and is part of the stress response (often termed the "fight or flight" response). If cortisol levels are low, a patient may experience weakness, fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, low blood sugar, and low blood pressure.
While the body may use hyperventilation or rapid breathing to help with
acid-base balance, it may also occur as a response to an emotionally stressful
situation. In hyperventilation syndrome, the rapid breathing blows off some of
the body's carbon dioxide, leading to a tingling sensation in the hands and feet,
and around the mouth. Dizziness and lightheadedness are associated symptoms. The
symptoms may increase the perceived emotional stress and cause even more
hyperventilation. In severe hyperventilation, carbon monoxide levels drop enough
to cause carpopedal spasm, in which the hands and feet become claw-like and
difficult to move. Symptoms of hyperventilation resolve relatively quickly once
the breathing rate returns to normal.
Heart conditions
The heart is an electrical pump and for it to work, the electrical conduction
system must be operating properly to stimulate the heart muscle to squeeze
in a coordinated fashion and pump blood to the body. The heart muscle itself must
be strong enough to pump blood, and the valves in the heart must work
properly to allow blood to flow in the direction intended during
- Conduction disturbances: Electrical conduction disturbances may make the heart beat too quickly
(tachycardia) or too slowly (bradycardia), and either of these situations may
result in an inadequate blood supply to the brain, causing dizziness or lightheadedness.
- Cardiomyopathy: Dizziness is also a symptom of cardiomyopathy (cardio=heart +myo=muscle + pathy= disease), a disease of the heart muscle, resulting in muscle that doesn't beat properly. Most commonly the weakness is due to atherosclerotic heart disease or ischemic cardiomyopathy (ischemic=decreased blood supply), in which the heart muscle itself doesn't get enough blood supply to work properly. Other cardiomyopathies may be due to diabetes, alcohol use, and viral infections.
Vasovagal syncope
Vasovagal syncope is a common cause of dizziness, lightheadedness,
and fainting. The vagus nerve is overstimulated and causes the body's
blood vessels to dilate and the heart to slow down. This anti-adrenaline
effect decreases the ability of the heart to pump blood upward to the
brain. Without blood flow, the brain turns off. In Victorian England,
when this happened because young ladies' sensibilities were easily
offended, this was called a swoon.
Some people faint at the sight of blood. Some parents faint when
their child gets immunized. Many types of emotional and physical
stressors can
overstimulate stimulate the vagus nerve, thus causing dizziness,
and at times fainting (passing out).
Fainting is not normal. If a person is unconscious, the emergency medical
system should be activated (call 911 if available), and medical care should be
Dizziness and vertigo
Vertigo is often described as
feeling dizzy, or a sensation of spinning. A person may specifically mention that the room seems to be spinning
around them. Sometimes the complaint is loss of balance or loss of equilibrium.
This often occurs because of irritation in the inner ear (the part of the ear that
balance, not hearing).
The inner ear has two parts that help the body determine its position in
space relative to gravity; 1) the semicircular canals and 2) the vestibule.
There are three
semicircular canals that are aligned at right angles to each other. These canals
are filled with fluid and are lined with a nerve-filled, crystal-encrusted
membrane that transmits information to the cerebellum
(the part of the brain
that controls balance and coordination). The cerebellum collects information
from the eyes (visual stimuli) and the nerve endings in muscles associated with proprioception
perception of movement), to assist the brain in assessing where the body is in relationship to
gravity and its surroundings.
Normally, when the head moves, fluid in the semicircular canals shift, and
that information is relayed to the brain. When the head stops moving, the fluid
stops as well, and that information is relayed to the brain.
In some cases there may be a short delay in the transmission of this
information to the brain. For example, when a person rides on a merry-go-round or spins quickly around
in circles, the fluid in the canals develop momentum and even though the body
stops spinning, the fluid in the semicircular canals may continue to move. This causes vertigo, or a
sensation of spinning, and may cause the person to fall or stumble. It also may be associated with
vomiting. While these are
symptoms attempt to provoke in play, they can be debilitating for an adult.
- Inflammation: In patients with vertigo,
inflammation of the fluid or irritation of the
crystals on the membrane that lines the walls of the semicircular canals may
cause the spinning sensation even without much head movement. Often, only one
canal is involved and the patient may be symptom-free if they don't move.
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV):
BPPV may be caused when the crystals
in the inner ear become dislodged and irritate the semicircular canals. Often
the cause is not found, but there may be an association with unusual positioning
or movement of the head, for example, moving the head up and down while working
on a computer. It is frequently seen in people older than 60
years of age.
- Labyrinthitis:
Labyrinthitis (labyrinth=inner ear + itis=inflammation) may follow a viral infection which causes inflammation within
the middle ear.
- Meniere's disease:
This condition is a disorder of the flow of fluids of the inner ear; symptoms
vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
- Acoustic neuroma:
This is a benign tumor of the ear that can be present with vertigo.
- Brain: Much less commonly, the cause of vertigo may arise in the brain. Stroke, tumors, seizures and multiple sclerosis may be associated with vertigo.
What are the symptoms experienced when a person feels dizzy?
- Lightheadedness is the feeling of weakness and faintness
as if you are about to pass out. The symptoms tend to be short-lived, depending
on the cause. There may be associated
nausea, sweating, and
blurred vision.
- If the cause is dehydration or
bleeding, the symptoms
may be brought on by standing quickly and may resolve somewhat by lying down
(orthostatic hypotension)
- Heart rhythm disturbances may
occur without warning
and may be associated with palpitations. This
may come and go or it may persist. The heart beat may be felt as too fast (often
described as a pounding), too slow, and/or irregular.
- Vertigo is the sensation of spinning and may present without warning and be
associated with nausea and vomiting.
People with inner ear problems may be
unable to move without generating symptoms.
- People with a cerebellar cause of vertigo such as a stroke or tumor may have associated coordination problems or difficulty walking.
When should I call the doctor for dizziness?
Dizziness is a common complaint and often has resolved by the time the
patient arrives to see a health care practitioner. Usually there is no rush to seek
care. However, while the complaint of dizziness is not often an emergency, care
should be sought immediately if it is accompanied by any of the following:
- Chest pain,
shortness of breath, or palpitations. These symptoms
should not be ignored as they suggest the heart may be the source of the dizziness.
- Dehydration. Often there may be an associated illness including fever,
vomiting, or diarrhea.
- People with diabetes may have dizziness due to low
blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), and may need
emergent care to stabilize their insulin and medication requirements.
- Bleeding from any source.
- Altered mental status or thinking. This may include symptoms such
as confusion, change in vision, change in speech, facial droop,
weakness of one side of the body, or
headache. These may be signs of stroke,
bleeding in the
brain, or tumor.
- Vertigo may cause significant problems with vomiting and may be debilitating. Often, medical care is needed to control symptoms even though the underlying problem is not serious.
How is dizziness diagnosed?
The diagnosis of dizziness begins with the health care practitioner
whether the complaint of dizziness refers to lightheadedness or vertigo. Further
direction continues once this distinction is made.
The key to the diagnosis of dizziness is a thorough history and physical
examination. Often the diagnosis is made by listening to the patient's story.
The health care practitioner may ask about triggers that cause and relieve the
symptoms of dizziness, such as:
- "Is it related to changing positions quickly?" and
- "Does it resolve on its own or does the patient have to do something, like lie down to make it better?"
A review of systems is a series of questions that review the patient's body
functions. Questions may be asked about associated symptoms including fever, vomiting,
chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or
abnormal bleeding. The past medical history may be reviewed, and this includes
medications the patient is currently taking.
A thorough physical examination will likely be done, this may include:
Vital signs: Taking the patient's blood pressure and pulse
rate lying down and standing (called orthostatic or postural vital signs) often
will indicate the fluid status of the body. In patients who are dehydrated or
bleeding, the vital signs may rise on changing position. However,
patients taking medications such as beta blockers will not generate in increased
pulse rate.
Tailored physical examination: Often, the physical
examination is tailored to the patient based upon the information provided in
the patient's medical history. For example, a woman with a
heavy menstrual period may need a
pelvic examination, or a patient
with cough and shortness of
breath may need a closer examination of the heart and lungs.
Imaging studies and blood tests: The need for imaging studies and/or and blood tests will
depend on the concerns the health care practitioner and patient have in regard
to the cause
of the dizziness. Common tests that may be ordered include:
- complete blood count (CBC) to
screen for
anemia or infection,
- evaluation of
- blood sugar tests,
- kidney function tests, and
- thyroid tests.
How is vertigo diagnosed?
The diagnosis of vertigo is most often made based upon history and clinical
presentation. If the patient is experiencing a spinning sensation that worsens by
a change in position, and
lessens by lying still, the health care practitioner can confirm the cause of
dizziness as vertigo.
Further history may be taken to make certain that the symptom of vertigo is
isolated to an inner ear condition and not due to a problem in the brain (for
example, a stroke).
Neurological examination
Physical examination will focus on the neurologic examination and may involve
looking at eye movements. With vertigo, nystagmus may be
present. This is an involuntary movement of the eyes, slow and smooth in one
direction with fast twitches in the other. It is the eyes' attempt to compensate
for the abnormal
signals being created in the inner ear.
The patient's hearing may be tested to assess
potential hearing loss. This may be seen in Meniere's Disease or with an
acoustic neuroma, but not necessarily with labyrinthitis or benign
The rest of the neurologic examination may be done to look for
one-sided weakness, loss of coordination, or loss of balance as potential signs of stroke.
Evaluation for BPPV or labyrinthitis is often complete at this point,
although depending upon the health care practitioner's concerns, further testing may
be indicated. Referral may be made to a physical therapist specially trained in
vestibular therapy.
If there is confusion as to the potential cause of
vertigo, imaging of the brain may be needed. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
may be indicated since this test evaluates the cerebellum more accurately. Computerized tomography
(CT scan) may be used in an emergency to
assess bleeding
How is dizziness treated?
Dizziness treatment
Dizziness is a symptom, not a disease, and treatment
will be directed to the underlying cause. For example, dizziness or lightheadedness due to
dehydration from gastroenteritis may require intravenous fluids and medications to stop the
vomiting and diarrhea, while dizziness or lightheadedness from a
heart rhythm condition may
require admission to the hospital and specialized testing and treatment.
Vertigo treatment
- Vertigo from inner ear problems may often be treated with maneuvers to
reposition the crystals and debris in the semicircular canals.
- Depending upon the reason for the inner ear
inflammation, oral steroid medications to decrease that inflammation might be
- Over-the-counter or
prescription medication is occasionally recommended or
prescribed to help with vertigo. Meclizine (Antivert) may help with control of
mild symptoms.
- In patients with intractable symptoms and vomiting, intravenous
diazepam (Valium) may be considered.
- Patients with Meniere's Disease or acoustic neuroma are usually referred to an ear, nose, and throat specialist (otolaryngologist, ENT physician) for further evaluation and care.
Dizziness At A Glance
- Dizziness is a symptom that is often applies to a
variety of sensations including lightheadedness and vertigo. Vertigo is the
sensation of spinning, while lightheadedness is typically considered near
fainting, and weakness.
- Conditions that may cause dizziness in a patient include low blood
pressure, high blood pressure, dehydration, medications, postural or
orthostatic hypotension, diabetes, endocrine disorders,
hyperventilation, heart conditions, and vasovagal syncope.
- Vertigo is most often caused by a problem in the balance centers of the
inner ear called the vestibular system and causes the sensation of the room
spinning. It may be associated with vomiting. Symptoms often are made worse with
position changes. Those with significant symptoms and vomiting may
need intravenous medication and hospitalization.
- Vertigo is also the presenting symptom in patients
with Meniere's Disease and acoustic neuroma, conditions that often require
referral to an ENT
- Most often, dizziness or lightheadedness is a temporary situation that resolves spontaneously without a specific diagnosis being made.
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